static void Update_Reverse_Settlement(Args _args)
CustTrans invCustTrans,findCustTrans;
SpecTransManager specTransManager;
DocumentNum invdocnumx,paydocnumx;
CustSettlement custSettlement;
AccountNum accnumx;
date paydatex;
CustTable custTable;
invdocnumx = 'PY16100100561';
accnumx = '631331';
select invCustTrans
order by TransDate asc
where invCustTrans.DocumentNum == invdocnumx
&& invCustTrans.AmountMST > 0
&& invCustTrans.AccountNum == accnumx;
while select findCustTrans where findCustTrans.RecId == invCustTrans.RecId
custTable = custTable::find(findCustTrans.AccountNum);
if(findCustTrans.TransType != ledgerTransType::Payment)
//We must go to the customer settlement table and locate the records that were used to settle the invoice in scope and pass them into the class
// that manages the marking and updating of applied credits and payments to invoices. We remove the credit marking to remove the link between the invoice
//and the credits used to settle the invoice. Then we must reverse the transactions using the reverseTransact method on the customer transaction table
select firstonly custSettlement where custSettlement.TransCompany == findCustTrans.dataAreaId &&
custSettlement.TransRecId == findCustTrans.RecId &&
custSettlement.AccountNum == findCustTrans.AccountNum;
specTransManager = SpecTransManager::newRefTableId(custTable,tablenum(custSettlement), true);
specTransManager.insert(custSettlement.DataAreaId, custSettlement.TableId, custSettlement.RecId, custSettlement.SettleAmountCur, findCustTrans.CurrencyCode);
custSettlement.CustVendSettlement::markOffsets(specTransManager, findCustTrans.CurrencyCode, true);
if (CustTrans::reverseTransact(custTable,null,settleDatePrinc::DateOfPayment,custSettlement.TransDate))
info(strFmt('Done %1',findCustTrans.txt));
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